EDGE Mobility System provides Rehab, Fitness, and Health Products. Dr. Erson Religioso founded EDGE Mobility System leveraging his deep expertise in the field and developing a line of manual therapy, mobility, fitness, strength, and rehab products along with pain science education materials. EDGE Mobility was focusing on growing its online channel and was looking for ways to increase the orders placed from the website.
To boost online business, EDGE Mobility used CausalFunnel’s intent prediction technology for the anonymous visitors. CausalFunnel’s technology analyzes all the visitor’s behavior on the website and provides real-time information when a high buying intent visitor is browsing. Not only that, the technology allows automatic targeting of these high buying intent visitors with unique offers while the visitor is browsing to drive up the sales.
CausalFunnel’s technology with unique timely offers helped increase the orders at EDGE Mobility by 3.8 times. Helping EDGE Mobility convert every potential buyer into a happy customer. In Dr. E’s own words: “Retargeting is dead. This is the best tool I found for improving conversion instead!”