Visitor Conversion

The goal of the anonymous visitor conversion product is to discover your lowest performing user clusters that we call personas and convert them via various incentives or persona nudges. Our AI is highly customized to your store hence it goes beyond the usual user cluster attributes such as geo-location, campaign parameters, referrers, marketing channels etc. Once new user clusters or personas are discovered, the product deploys A/B tests to convert them via various incentives. All this process can be controlled via our Persona Nudge Customization dashboard.

Persona Nudge Customization Dashboard

Our cutting-edge Persona Nudge Customization Dashboard can create personalized messages that really connect with your audience, driving up engagement and sales. Using our proprietary DeepID we are able to distinguish between returning and new anonymous visitors. Besides the usual user attributes, the AI discovers newer ones to boost personalization further.

Return on Ads Spend Optimizer

Boost your online ads ROAS with CausalFunnel technology. It’s designed to make your ads perform better, helping you get more leads, increase sales, and improve ROI.

Why Ads Optimizer?

CausalFunnel Ads Optimizer delivers better return on ads by reducing keyword costs and improving the conversion rate:

Unlocking Business Success with Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) Model

Welcome to the world of strategic business insights, where success isn’t just a dream but a carefully calculated journey. At the heart of this journey lies the Lifetime Value (LTV) model, a powerful tool revolutionizing how businesses perceive and interact with their customers..

Understanding LTV:

Our cutting-edge Persona Nudge Customization Dashboard can create personalized messages that really connect with your audience, driving up engagement and sales. Using our proprietary DeepID we are able to distinguish between returning and new anonymous visitors. Besides the usual user attributes, the AI discovers newer ones to boost personalization further

AI Shopping Buddy: Your Complete Solution

Think about having someone always ready to help your website visitors, no matter the time. With AI Shopping Buddy, that’s exactly what you get. It’s a clever chatbot that fits right into your website’s chat window. It’s there to give quick answers and help visitors find what they’re looking for and in turn gather data and capture leads.

Your Personal Shopping Helper

Explore Our Plugin Offerings by Platform

WordPress App
Adobe Magento App
Shopify App
BigCommerce App
Our Client Industry

Our AI models have increased revenue for a wide variety of businesses and industries.

Our Tools and availabilities

Our AI platform is available for most content management systems and websites.

Our Client Business’s Size

Our AI tools have benefited businesses the most that have a direct to consumer interface.